AVCZ represent the interests of Abalone Central Zone entitlement holders on operational fishery management matters

Welcome to the Abalone Victoria (Central Zone) AVCZ.

Abalone are Victoria’s most valuable commercial fishery with the majority of the catch being exported to international markets, predominately in Asia, while also supplying local markets. Abalone is caught along most of the Victorian coastline and the fishery primarily harvests blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) although greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata) are also caught in smaller amounts. The commercial fishery is regulated by strict quotas, with a total allowable catch set annually based on the outcomes of a formal stock assessment process and is environmentally sustainable.

Central Zone Resource Workshop

Resource Workshop hot topics

1. Market Issues & Impact on Fishery

2. Market Preferences

3. Inappropriate LMLs for Some SMUs

4. Domestic Sales & Small Sales Permits (SSP)

5. Fee Relief (Industry Grant Levy & VFA Levies)

6. Carry Over & Rollovers for Uncaught Catch

7. Impacts of VFA Enforcement Officer Reductions

8. Beneficiaries of Fish Left in Water

9. Concentration of Fishing in Big Fish Areas

10. Other Management Strategies & Industry Support

11. Data Collection & Industry Management

12. Other Business & Action Items

Upcoming Meetings:

  • AVCZ Special General Meeting – constitutional changes. 10am 12-3-25

  • CZ Resource Workshop (LML & resource strategy focus) 11 am 12-3-25

TACC Meeting:10-04-2025 (VFA confirmed on 19-02-2025)

AVCZ Membership Renewal

Abalone Victoria Central Zone (AVCZ) will shortly send out membership renewal forms. Please look out for an email or watch this link for both new member forms and renewal forms.